Student Revision 1's work is most definitely guilty of plagiarism. They just tried to disguise their plagiarism attempt by gathering up enough sources, worked magic with the copy and paste buttons and tweaked them up to make them sound coherent. Thus, making plagiarism blatantly obvious even though they had the sense to copy from several sources and then tweak them up a bit to make them flow logically. But that still doesn't cut it. It is still plagiarism.
To correct this, they should have made the attempt to paraphrase the sentences after specifying their sources accurately, complete with the author, the book title, and the date and if taken from the web, they should have placed the correct link right after their essay. However, limiting yourself to only doing these won't 'un-plagiarize' your stuff! You should add in your original work as well (or it might end up looking rather silly with an abuse of quotation marks, parentheses and links spamming the end of your essay)!
Student Revision 2's work was a bit misleading. At first, when I saw that they actually did acknowledge the author I immediately thought that this wasn't plagiarism. But as I read on, they, however, failed to include the exact location of the material they mentioned. Was it from a book? Or from the web? They also failed to use quotation marks (“”) and thus, blurring what the original author said and where their (Student 2's) personal insights begin.
To correct this, student 2 should have cited the exact location of their material even though they have already mentioned the author. If it was from a book, then, as what I said earlier, should have the book title, the author and the date it was published. And the quotation marks! Don't forget the quotation marks! Because if you do, even having cited the correct source, you are claiming you are presenting your original interpretation of the author's ideas despite having copied it word for word.
BUT! Even though you do this, it is still important to add in your personal insights! Add in your original work!
“What is Plagiarism?” Accessed July 5, 2009.
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